Influence of Emotional Intelligence on the Workforce of IT Industry with special reference to Coimbatore City


Dr.K.Vanitha, Assistant Professor, Mrs.M.Sumathy, Assistant Professor,
Department of Commerce, Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, India.


The software industrial revolution offers significant benefits, giving job seekers a more individualized experience. Industry understands the value of the IT sector in advancing societal objectives beyond employment and expansion to become a dependable source of prosperity by directing production in a way that respects the limits of our planet and places the welfare of IT sector employees at the centre of the production process. Industry will reorient itself to serve humanity, bucking current tendencies in industry that emphasize technology, dehumanization, technical advancement, and innovative best practices. This industrial revolution will reveal more than ever about human intelligence at work. Examining how soft skills may improve the workforce and prepare for the future is the current problem. Emotional intelligence is a soft skill. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of emotional intelligence on enhancing the workforce of IT Industry. A total of 130 executives took part in this study. Findings suggest that emotional intelligence does influence the workforce to perform better. Emotional recognition and expression and emotions direct cognition were found to have a greater impact on the performance the workforce in order to prepare them for Industry.