Effectiveness of Teaching Vocabulary through App Assisted Language Learning


S.Sudha Devi, Ph.D Research Scholar,
Department of English Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India.


The study was conducted to find out the differences of effectiveness of teaching vocabulary through APP assisted language learning in English subject at secondary level. The population of the study was the students of students of secondary classes studying in Government schools of Vellore District. The aim of English Language Teaching is to develop LSRW skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing skills. This learning process helps them to develop their English language proficiency. Based on the usage of vocabulary it is divided into two types. Active Vocabulary and Passive Vocabulary. Active Vocabulary used for writing and speaking it helps the students or learners to understand the meaning and the same word. Passive vocabulary used for reading and listening learners use these words for their understanding. It cannot be used in any writing and speaking language. These two types help to differentiate vocabularies: active vocabulary helps to understand and use to give information. Passive vocabulary helps only to understand. The present world being well versed in many language leads to many opportunities, especially English. There is no age limit to acquire a language, but the young learners are likely to learn the language easily without much difficulty. App is another technology which connects the people. Previously, App are used to develop marketing, business and trade. Educational apps give an opportunity to learn in an easy way. In a new way to women learners who are not able to go educational institutions. It is best tool for all the working peoples to learn. It is also the best tool for children to learn in new methodology.