Recent advancements in textile finishing focused on eco-friendly and plasma technology approach


Manisha Manasmita, Sumit Kumar, Deepak Mehra
National Institute Of Fashion Technology, Fashion Technology Department, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India.


Textile finishing refers to the final stage of fabric manufacturing processes. In this process, the textile is modified and its properties are enhanced to meet the requirements of customers. In two ways finishing on textile can be done. One is the dry finishing technique (physical), while the other is a wet finishing technique (chemical). As textiles are being converted into technical textiles, a growing concern is for the method that is used for finishing those textiles. With growing pollution and a rise in natural hazards, the textile industry needs to approach sustainable techniques. In recent years, the integration of plasma technology has emerged as a game-changer, particularly in the context of environmental sustainability. Recent developments in plasma technology have surpassed conventional finishing techniques, offering solutions to an array of challenges. These advancements include anti-static treatments, water-repellent coatings, flame-resistant modifications, wrinkle-resistant enhancements, anti-microbial properties, and many more. Moreover, they improve the functional aspects of textiles as well as address the growing need for sustainable and eco-friendly processes.