Deepika Basedia, Rajesh Shrivastava, Keerty Shrivastava
Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee Science & Commerce College, Bhopal (M.P), Govt. BHEL College, Bhopal (M.P), INDIA.
Mathematical modelling for analysis and interpretation of the adverse effect in breast cancer patient during their therapy and improvement in recovery
Develop and use Mathematical modelling has emerged Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCM) as
important tool for improvement of recovery in breast cancer patients during their therapy.
There are number of adverse effects observed in cancer patients during their treatment. Some
common adverse effects like physical, psychological, social, spiritual, visible and medical
disorders are observed during breast cancer therapy. Extra proliferations of breast cell in the
form of tumor are breast cancer. The better understanding of the adverse effects of breast
cancer therapy might be helpful for effective treatment and faster recovery of patients. By
lowering the adverse effects the chances of increase in patient recovery and cure become
better. In current work use mathematical modelling through concept of Fuzzy Cognitive
Mapping (FCM) is applied to interpret the relationship between different adverse effects that
out break during breast cancer therapy .Identification and understanding of the adverse effects
of breast cancer therapy and their interpretation through mathematical modelling may be useful
tool for better treatment with faster recovery.