E-learning Through WhatsApp Application and Its Effect on Academic Performance


S. Sharan
II-year B.Tech (ECE), School of Electronic and Communication Engineering, Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT), Vellore 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India.


Nowadays, WhatsApp is the most famous site on internet and appeared as the result of technology. Whatsapp applications was innovated and created by Koum, California in February 24, 2009. Whatsapp has become more popular among college students and affect their performance, either positively increase their performance or negatively decrease its. Whatsapp offers much option for users as a chat option away for communication and to write messages, it was a dialogue, discussion and exchange of views among students. Users of WhatsApp make them add their friend to speak together or receive their messages or sent them or others applied, people may make groups with others who are interested in the same subject. This study aims to find out the E-learning through Whatsapp application and its effect on academic performance among students pursuing higher education from their perspective through text, image, video, audio and call on academic performance in Vellore city, Tamil Nadu in India. The results indicate that effects of E-learning through Whatsapp application helps to improve their academic performance.