Video Education About Spiritual Needs for Attached Medical Devices Patients


Fahni, Kellyana, Resti, Yulianti, Ferry, Fadzlul
Haris, Irawati, Sutrisno
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta, School of Nursing, Indonesia.
Haris, Irawati, Rahman
Department of Healthcare Administrative, Asia University, Taiwan.
Department of Public Health, Universitas Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Timur, Indonesia.


WHO has mentioned spiritual care for decades as well as the United States. Spiritual care in hospitals is heightened concern for not only terminal illnesses people but also patients that attached medical devices. Because of the overloaded workload, nurses did not provide adequate spiritual care. Video, as the latest tools that believe in enhancing patients’ knowledge been assumed to lack evidence, especially to achieve their spiritual needs. The purpose of this study was described how brief video information: “Hospitalized patients could comply their spiritual needs” can improve patients’ knowledge? The study using a quasi-experimental design: pre-posttest without control. Sixty-five respondents were included after written and verbally informed consent. It was using a questionnaire and video as an instrument designed by researchers. There are statistically significant (α= 0.001), which means respondents gained new knowledge after watching a brief video about praying in exceptional condition. It suggests that clear and precise intervention in education at the time of admission to the hospital might lead to a higher acceptance of the spiritual treatment of video education. Even there is statistically significant, but nurses need to facilitate patients’ spiritual needs with visits and remind them each praying time begins frequently.