Association Between Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and Polymorphisms of CYP11A Gene Amongsample of Iraqi Women


Ammar Mohammed Jowad Hasan, D.Nuha Joseph Kandala
Department of biotechnology, College of Science, University of Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a multifactorial disorder with significant metabolic, reproductive and psychological consequences. In order to explain the association between genetic polymorphism of CYP11A1 gene and polycystic ovary syndrome and comparing with the effect this syndromewith hormonal and lipid profile in PCOS Iraqi women.Two groups in this study was concluded. The first group involved 74 women diagnosed with PCOS and the other group involved 58 healthy women to investigate the impact of pentanucletide(AAAAT) repeat in promoter region of CYP11A1 gene between both groups. Genotyping and comparison conducted between them. The results indicated that was considerable differences (𝑃< 0.05) in Prolactin and testosterone mean levels between patients and healthy groups. There was no significant results with other parameters (FSH, LH, cholesterol, triglyceride,HDL,LDL,VLDL). For genotypetwo categories were used in this study: one between genotype with age and the second between genotype with BMI for each group. The results revealed no significant (p<0.05) between percentage of the patients and controls regarding to age and BMI categories. Moreover, the results revealed that five different CYP11A1 (AAAAT) repeats were identified, corresponding to 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 repeat-unit the results showed a significant difference (p<0.05) in pentanucleotides (AAAAT) for five and three repeats between patients and healthy women. The conclusion of the current study is that the most distributed pentanucleotide (AAAAT) repeats observed in PCOS Iraqi women was 5 repeats. Five repeats (5R) in the women can be considered as a general marker for PCOS susceptibility in Iraqi women.