Sadomasochism in Sarah Kane’s Blasted


Sara Kudhair Satam
College of Arts  University of Anbar, Iraq.
Dr. Majeed Mohammed Midhin, Assistant Professor
College of Education for Humanities University of Anbar, Iraq.


Between the social stigma of Sadomasochism and the medical recognition and acknowledgment of it as a complex personality disorder, this paper aims to destigmatize and desexualize Sadomasochism by analyzing it from a psychological perspective and providing a medical diagnosis. In this light, this study identifies the Sadomasochistic characters in Sarah Kane’s Blasted by breaking said stigma of treating Sadomasochism solely as a sexual perversion or deviance and instead, laying the medical and scientific basis for it being a personality disorder that requires a psychological approach. Tracing sexual perversions symptomatically, the need for a cultural reset in regards to the ignorance and mistreatment of Sadomasochism is instigated by presenting a sound analysis of why certain characters behave the way they do. By doing so, the co-existence of other psychological disorders and the way they fundamentally structure Sadomasochism provides the nucleusof this study.