To Study and Analyse The Market Potential for 5g Services in Nagpur


Adneya Wadetiwar
Sri balaji University, Pune, India.


5G is important for various segments also in this real world to gain experience and to get connected to all the devices. In India 5g is still no rolled out the trials are still going on. Also 5G is essential need for human life. In this research we will also study about the market potential for 5G services. Will the customers consider 5G services over 4G services. Many researchers have carried out various researches on 5G services similarly this research is focused on market segment for 5G services taking cost (tariff) as a parameter is done also are people ready to use 5G services in Nagpur region as the tariff would be more as comparison to the 4G services that is present services they are using. The purpose of this research is to study the overall market potential for 5G services with a strong emphasis on the parameter cost majorly in Nagpur. And how this 5G technology will be accepted by the customers when 5G will rollout in India. The research design will consist of using both primary as well as secondary data. Collection of primary data will be done with the help of effective and efficient questionnaire. Secondary data will be collected from various technology based articles and websites. After collecting and analysing data we’ll try to view the results in statistical format. After interpretation of statistical data it can be concluded that there is a potential market for 5G services in Nagpur also people are willing to pay extra tariff for 5G services.