Computation Of High Utility Itemsets By Using Range Of Utility Technique


S.J. Vivekanandan
Assistant Professor, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.

S.P. Ammu, Sripriyadharshini, T.R. Preetha
UG Scholars, Dhanalakshmi College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India.


Association rule mining is one of the major fact finding domains in data mining. There are many algorithms to estimate association rule. These algorithms are working with support value and confidence value, which are not sufficient for real time applications. High utility itemset is a new booming field in data mining, which is very useful in real time applications. It gives the significant or more valuable items to the user. In this paper, we are computing, high utility itemsets by using multi-utility range algorithm. This algorithm is very much useful to target the profit and also it gives a chance to modify the range of utility so that we can get the more valuable items.