Using Katalon for Mobile App Test Automation


Sahil Viday Singh, UG student, Dr. Mahesh A, Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication, R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India.


Software testing is a study conducted to provide interested parties with information about the quality of the software product or service under test. Software testing also provides an objective independent perspective of the software. Helping companies recognize and understand the risks of software deployment. Testing technique includes the process of running a program or application with the aim of finding errors and verifying that the product is suitable for use. There are two ways of writing tests: manually and automatic. Certain ways of manual testing, which include exploratory testing and usable testing, are not that valuable. One can manually run other types of tests, such as regression tests and functional tests, anyways it doesn’t really make sense for developers to repeat the exact process again and again. Because of this type of iterative test which results us to move towards testing automation.