A Comparative Study on Performance of Selected Mutual Funds in India


Dr. P. Sivasakkaravarthi, Assistant Professor,
Dept. of Commerce, College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani, Chennai, India.
Dr. V.Venkatragavan, HOD,
Dept. of Commerce College of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Vadapalani, Chennai, India.


In India capital request blesses with a multifariousness of adventure options in discrepancy to the investors, to help them to put coffers into colorful adventure accoutrements and to make certain the productive return. Alongside different range fiscal particulars, collective fund ensures the topmost return and least troubles to the fiscal specialists. enhancement of different collective fund schemes in the Indian capital request has end up being one of the most reactant adventure road in producing noteworthy enterprise development. The Asset the director’s associations are taking inviting part in fiscal related cornucopia and they advance enterprise practice among the investors at present there are 44 Asset Management Companies(AMCs) contain the collective fund assiduity. In this unique circumstance, close observing and prosecution assessment of collective finances has gotten precipitously abecedarian. This collective fund assiduity has seen brilliant development in recent times. This disquisition is planned for assessing prosecution of collective finances and likewise to reviewing the job of advantage the operation companies in reference to public and private sector. The primary thing of this disquisition work is to contemplate plutocrat affiliated prosecution of named collective fund schemes through the factual parameters, for illustration, (beta, standard divagation, treynor's measure, Sharpe rate). The findings of this study will probative to investors for their investment choices in future. Keywords collective Fund, fiscal prosecution, adventure, Return, Risk, Net Asset Value.