A Study of Contract Labour Mangement System in Ltd. Companies


Charulata Kulkarni, Professor, Research Scholar
Rmd sinhgad Management School, Mba Dept, Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Dr. B.P. Bhairat
Shankar Rao Patil, Mahavidyalaya,  Bhoom Tal, Bhoom, Dist. Osmanabad Maharashtra, India.


Contract labour management is a developing sector in most of the organizations. In Today’s world, it is almost mandatory for the owner not to advantage any services of contract workers. However, due to compliance issues, safety and security issues, accident, etc. the entire contract labour management process is becoming a compositetopic for departments like HR, securities and facilities; etc.Some Ltd. companies has engaged nearly 13 contract till date. The contract labour management system is to ensure the welfare of the contract engaged, as well as to strive towards 100% statutory compliance. Every organization esteems the right of employee to exercise liberty of association and collective bargaining. Working in contract worker relation chamber provided knowledge about the necessary norms to be complied with.. There are different rules and regulations that the contractors have to follow when they come in contract with the Ltd. Companies Survey is trying to getting knowledge of the work process of the contract labour management.