Dr. Tejaswini Bastray
School of Commerce and Management Studies, Dayanada Sagar University, Bangalore, India.
A Study on Operational Risk Management: A Comparative Study on Selected Public & Private Sector Banks In India.
The financial sector plays an important part in economic development, but in recent years, it has
been witness to several complex events such as bankruptcies and financial institution failures,
debt crises in key economies around the world. The situation has become extremely
unpredictable, resulting in recession in major economies such as the United States and Europe.
The Indian banking industry's development has accelerated. Over the last decade, it has been
spectacular. It is clear from the increased rate of loan expansion and rising profitability and
productivity comparable to developed-market banks, lower non-performing asset incidence, and
an emphasis on Indian banking has become more vibrant and strong as a result of financial
inclusion. Indian banks have begun to modify their policies their strategy for expansion.