Ghanshyam Shakar, Research Scholar, Bhumika Das, Associate Professor, Mr. K. Panigrahi
MATS University Raipur, India.
An impact of Industrial Effluents on Groundwater Quality of Siltara Industrial area, Raipur, (C.G)
Water is the most important element on earth for the life of human beings. Groundwater is the purest source of water available to meet our everyday demands. This is why the reliance on groundwater has risen to such an extent that it has contributed to groundwater overexploitation. In terms of groundwater, several cities in India have already reached zero levels. Its output is declining due to overexploitation and lack of groundwater recharge. In addition to over-exploitation, humans have also altered the natural groundwater recharge system by constructing homes, road networks, factories, and other services. Industrial waste is not adequately disposed of by the factories and is mostly flown through the open land and river / nala channels. This resulted in groundwater as well as surface water pollution. Both overexploitation and industrial waste would be devastating in the coming days.