Induja P, Sujata B M, Sathyabama S
HKBK College of Engineering, Bengaluru, INDIA.
An Overarching Study on Gait Recognition – Appearance Based Approach
Gait Recognition is becoming a topic of continual research interest in
biometrics research community. It has turn out to be a vital biometric feature for human
identification. It is main advantage is its non – invasive nature. Gait Recognition is a
type of pattern recognition based on the walking styles of a person. Machine and Deep
learning technologies have modernized the field of gait recognition by aiding computers
to automatically learn and extract complex patterns. These techniques analyze video
recordings of a person to determine key features in each person’s gait, and these
features are used to identify the person. The primary goal of this paper is to provide an
elucidate survey of the progressive ideas in appearance-based gait recognition
techniques, mentioning their applications, strengths and limitations. Through the
analysis of the techniques discussed in the recent years, enlighten the significant
advance, draw attention to the drawbacks that have been faced, and identify areas of
prospective future research and advances in technology of gait recognition. Its hopeful
that this survey analysis in appearance-based gait recognition will be a helpful resource
for the researchers on this dynamic field.