N. Sheshaprasad, Associate Professor, Chandrashekar C, Assistant Professor, P A Vijaya, Professor and Head, Basavaraj I Neelgar, Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication, B.N.M. Institute of Technology, Bangalore, India.
Analysis of a printed UWB micro strip antenna and the effects of human body in WBAN applications.
In this paper, a microstrip patch antenna with slots for desirable return loss, gain, and bandwidth was designed and tested. Fr-4 was chosen as the substrate material and the antenna was simulated using CST (Computer simulation Technology) software,
printed using MITS printing machine and all the parameters were measured. The designed microstrip patch antenna has a bandwidth from 2.02 to 5.71 GHz. The proposed antenna was put on the human body and a SAR value of 1.53 W/kgwas measured, which was determined to be within the acceptable limit of 1.6 W/kg. Hence, the antenna can be used for on-body communication which is not detrimental to the human body.