Bank Locker System using Fingerprint, OTP and Threshold Weight


Vedant Naukarkar, Nishant Waghade, Shubham Dukale,
Students, Department of ENTC, Sinhgad college of Engineering, Vadgaon, Pune, INDIA.

Prof. Sarika. S. Patil, Associate Professor
Department of ENTC, Sinhgad College of Engineering, Vadgaon, Pune, INDIA.


In this project, a bank locker system is presented that includes a weight threshold sensor as a crucial element for increased security. The system makes use of an Arduino Uno microcontroller, a weight threshold sensor, a GSM SIM900A module, and a fingerprint R307 sensor for biometric authentication. The solenoid lock open mechanism is only activated by the weight threshold sensor when a predetermined set weight is applied. The system's operations are managed and coordinated by the Arduino Uno, which acts as the system's central processing unit. By verifying users' identities using their fingerprints, the R307 sensor ensures secure access to the lockers. The GSM SIM900A module allows for real-time locker system monitoring and control via SMS instructions, enabling remote management and delivering prompt notifications and alerts. The system includes a weight threshold sensor to provide the highest level of security. It works by recognising when something has been placed on it and measuring the weight in relation to a predetermined threshold value. The inclusion of the weight threshold sensor improves the security of the bank locker system. The technology improves ease and lowers the chance of uninvited entrance by doing away with the need for conventional keys.