Dr. Anagha Mathad, Assistant Professor, Dr. Prasanna Mathad, Professor and HOD Department
Department of Ayurveda Samhita and Siddhant, Parul Institute of Ayurveda and Research,Limda, Waghodia, Vadodara, India.
Biological Rhythms in Ayurvedaand SmritiRatnakara – Ancient Manuscript Chapter Analysis
In Ayurveda different types of regimens are explained on the basis ofDincharya -daily
regimen, Rutuchrya – seasonal regimen,Sadvritt- code of conducts. These are
explained in Ayurvedic Samhita books as Preventive measures. According to Indian
philosophy NityaAnanihakamexplained with the topics of Dinacharya.According to
modern science different rhythms are present in human body.The Biological rhythms
are natural cyclic changes observed in the body which have major role to
maintainSleep Patterns, Hormone release,Eating habits and digestion, Body
temperature, Metabolism and etc. There are different Rhythms in human body as
followsCircadian rhythms, Diurnal rhythms, Ultradian rhythms, Infradian rhythms.
Every biological disorder impacts the circadian rhythm. The biological rhythms are
disturbed by various factors. these includes the chronobiology which is branch
of science explainsabout human biology in terms of time, as the time is defined by
day and night- circadian cycles, if these cycles are effected then are the major cause
for disturbance in doshas, which lead to diseases. According to modern science these
cycles- physical, mental, behavioural changes are observed in 24 hours controlled by
a small portion of brain. different possible diseases can be prevented by following
regimen studyalong with the chapter of SmritiRatnakara Ancient Manuscript’s
chapter- AthanhikamUcchatein this paper.