CAN Tx Frame Implementation using Verilog


Mr. Manjunath Koti, Dept. of ECE,
BNMIT, Bengaluru, India.

Dr. Basavaraj I Neelgar, Professor,
Dept of ECE, BNMIT, Bengaluru, India.


This article discusses the concept of CAN protocol and its implementation in verilog language. Initially the CAN protocol description is given in brief with the block diagram, later its design, implementation in verilog code is presented. The CAN transmission (Tx) data Frame is realized using verilog code, this is achieved by defining individual sub-blocks verilog codes and combining these to get the CAN transmission of data frame. In the year 1986, CAN data link layer protocol was introduced in SAE conference. In 1993, CAN protocol and high speed physical layer were internationally accredited as ISO 11898. As on today it has 11898-1 to 4 standard documents. The CAN 1.0, 2.0 versions were initially had fixed data rate for the entire frame. In 2012, CAN-FD (Flexible data rate) protocol was introduced. This will allow data phase a second higher bit rate, along with this restriction of 8 bytes is extended up to 64 bytes.In this paper CAN Tx data frame is realized using Xilinx 14.7 version using verilog language.