Context-Aware Service Oriented Architecture for Secure Data Transmission


Shubham Joshi, Assistant Professor, Radha Krishna Rambola, Associate Professor
Computer Engineering, SVKM’s NMIMS MPSTME Shirpur, Maharashtra, India.


Context-aware systems open up completely new opportunities for application developers and End users collect and transfer contextual data and adjust system behavior accordingly. Especially the combination of mobile devices that increase the high price of these mechanisms and usability has made a huge leap. In this paper, we present Context-aware service-oriented architecture for secure data transmission. Design based on the principles we have developed a number of existing contextual knowledge systems, which focuses on the context of knowledge systems, and frames, and we have developed a framework for the implementation of context-aware middleware. We deal with the context-aware end-to-end data delivery services adaptive composition of middlebox services when dynamically service provider than virtual functions. We can achieve the deployment of network service chain adapted by it and enable programmability of the data delivery path through a dynamically established sequence of virtual middlebox functions. It also includes specifications for processing functions that must be passed by service data, while taking advantage of contextual awareness and self-adaptation capabilities. We discuss various approaches and analyze important aspects of context-aware computing, based on the systems presented. The effectiveness of the proposed approach to distinguish service data processing is to be investigated using an experimental test when using optimization transfer tables in switches.