Corporate Governance in Banking Sector of Odisha: An Empirical Study as perceived by Customers


Saroj Kumar Swain, Research Scholar – P.G.
Department of Business Management, Fakir Mohan University, Vyasa Vihar, Balasore, Odisha, India.
Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sahu, Ex-Associate Professor of Commerce (Retired)
F. M. Autonomous College, Balasore, Odisha, India.


Globalization and liberalization is sweeping across the sectors of economy and banking industry is not an exception. The implementation of corporate governance norms in Indian banks have been phenomenal after the bank reforms were put in place. The success of corporate governance rests on the awareness on the part of the banks of their own responsibilities. While law can control and regularize certain practices, the ultimate responsibility of being ethical and moral remains with the banks. It is this enlightenment that would bring banks closure to their goals. Banks in India are facing increasing competition, within and outside India, both in terms of markets for its products and for sources of fund. It has, therefore become necessary for banks to constantly reengineer, to provide the products and services to suit the ever-changing requirements, to accelerate the speed with which the transactions are completed and to constantly evaluate and provide training to the workforce update the knowledge and impress upon them the necessity to have a professional and competitive approach. The present study has been focused in the two leading commercial banks in Odisha.