Evaluation of maternal serum prolactin in pregnant women with gestational Diabetes mellitus


Manal Matlab Hassan, M.B.Ch.B
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology Al- Emammain Al- Kadhemain Medical City- Baghdad/ Iraq.
Risala A. Ali, C.A.B.O.G
Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology/ Iraq.


Maintenance of normal glucose metabolism during pregnancy is of particular importance. Prolactin may be a mediator in pathogenesis of impaired glucose metabolism. This study aimed to assess the levels of maternal serum prolactin in pregnant women with gestational Diabetes mellitus (GDM). This prospective observational study was done at AL– Emamain AL- Kadhemain Medical City/ Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Baghdad/ Iraq during the period from 1st March to 1st October 2018 on 150 pregnant women who were referred for OGTT for different indications. For all included women, maternal serum prolactin level and 75 gm OGTT was performed. The results showed that the mean±SD of maternal serum prolactin levels for all included women was (135.14±22.67) ng/ml and there was significantly negative correlation with (1hr) and (2hr) blood glucose levels of 75 gm OGTT at p value (0.027), (0.003) respectively. Out of 150 women included in the study (52) women diagnosed to have GDM and (98) women to have normal glucose tolerance. The mean±SD of maternal serum prolactin level was (123.6±13.7) ng/ml in GDM group which is significantly lower in comparison with mean ±SD (141.3±24.1) ng/ml in normal group at p value (0.0001). It can be concluded that women with GDM showed significantly lower serum prolactin levels in comparison with levels in women with normal glucose tolerance.