S. Rajendran, Associate Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jaya Engineering College, Anna University.
K.Ganesan, K.Sakthivel, SM.Murugesan, T.Paramaguru, Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jaya Engineering College, Anna University.
Experiment and Investigation in Reducing Emission from an IC Engine by using Inlet Helical Roller
This research paper reports that in-cylinder flow formation in a combustion engine has a major influence on the combustion, emission and performance characteristics. Air and fuel enters the combustion chamber of an engine throughout the intake manifold with high velocity. So, it introduces a helical roller in the path of inlet stream of mixture. It achieved the swirl by using a component that could be easily integrated into any existing engines at low engine speed. The performance of the engine increases and completes the combustion, leads to reduced emissions and small change in volumetric efficiency. It is also proved that increased swirl movement introduces helical roller that helps the flame spread which used into constant heat transfer rate. This suggests to a new combustion technique that should be developed to yield improved primary combustion processes in-side the engine with significantly reduced exhaust gas emissions.