Green Cloud Computing Ideas with Security Issues in Setting of Distributed Computing and Cloud Framework


Fitria, Suhendro Yusuf, Septilia Arfida, Hendra Kurniawan
Faculty of Computer Science, Darmajaya Institute of Business and Informatics, Lampung, Indonesia.


Cloud is a popular paradigm with extreme abilities and benefits for trending ICT environment. On the other end the major concern came in terms of security and privacy while adopting the cloud technology. This has brought about another examination pattern on the security issues of cloud. As cloud administrations are free of natural scattering, impressible data of various substances is ordinarily put away in remote servers and areas. This has huge potential outcomes of being presented to undesirable parties. In the event that security is not blasting and trustworthy, the consistence and in addition to indicates that cloud computing has offer will lose its viability. This paper illuminates the cloud computing ideas with security issues in setting of distributed computing and cloud framework.