Hadiths of Longing and Nostalgia for The Prophet Mohammed, (Peace be Upon Him), in The Six Books


Tawfiq Hadi Talal, Professor
Department of Quranic Sciences and Islamic Education, College of Education for Girls, Anbar University, Iraq.


Praise be to Allah, who clarified the pathway for the seekers, and facilitated the worship of the righteous, and who honored the scholars and set them as role models for the people of the earth after the prophets, after it was revealed to them with divine knowledge and secrets, so he made them arguments and proofs for the maintenance of this religion, so the tyranny disappeared, and who read the biography of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) see nostalgia and the sincere love of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, find love that seizes souls and has feelings that do not replace (love of the son, father, and wife) with love that reaches the hearts and mixes the decision of the soul. They loved him with all the meanings of love, and there are no people in all history who loved their imam, leader, sheikh, or professor as his companions loved him, until they redeemed him with joy, presented their bodies to swords instead of his body, sacrificed their blood to protect him, and some of them did not fill his eyes from looking at him Rather, they wished his satisfaction for their satisfaction and his comfort for their comfort, even if they were tired. They would not raise their voices to his voice, and would not give their command to his command, and would not decide anything without him, for he is the beloved and the good example( ). As for the reasons for this love and its causes, the greatest of which is that this person is the Messenger of the Most Gracious, and the elite of man and elves sent by Allah to bring them out of the darkness into the light and lead them to heaven, then they found in him the imam who completed his virtues and had his merits, he has captured them with this great ethics