How renewable energy affects our planet’s future?


Udit Veerendra Bagdai, Rahul B, Raksha Channappa, Sanjay B Y, Champa PN, Assistant professor
Department of EEE, BNMIT.


Renewable energy is considered an infinite source of energy. Although they have unlimited potential towards making our environment self-sustainable, they are currently insufficiently exploited and unevenly distributed. The major hindrance to exploiting these renewable sources is economic issues. Some countries, that possess these sources are currently developing or are still in the under-developed scenario. Hence, these resources are not being exploited to their full potential. We are aware of the severe consequences of burning up fossil fuels and their adverse effect on our environment Rarely do we think of the consequences on the environment due to renewable energy sources. Although they have a very small impact on our environment, in the future it might lead to some devastating issues. Some of the renewable energy sources have a visual impact on the nature of our earth and also to some extent it can affect the ecosystem of a particular area. This paper intends to analyze the current types of renewable sources (solar, wind, geothermal and hydroelectric) and their impact on our planet.