HRM during Pandemic and Uncertainty


Dr Ajay Bhatia
Manav Rachna University, Sector 43, Faridabad, Haryana 121004, India.


Covid-19 pandemic has caused unprecedented challenges for businesses and people. The state of uncertainty, volatility and ambiguity caused due to fast spreading coronavirus and the consequent havoc and distress inflicted on people’s life and business operations, has made people rethink about life, redefine priorities in life, and companies evolving new business models and agile ways of working through digital transformation, to sustain themselves. Pandemic being primarily a “People-based crises” has brought the centrality of HRM in confronting the situation, aligning and driving sustainable change at multiple level, whether individual behaviour, cultural or organizational level. The exploratory qualitative research using “expert interview” methodology has been leveraged to find out the top people-related challenges faced by the organizations, besides discovering the evolution of diverse HRM functions in the new normal and the future directions.