Hyper spectral and Geochemical Signatures Study on Late Archeaen of Indian High Grade Manganese Deposits in Halekal Band of Bhahaddurghatta-Hosahatty Village, Chitradurga Schist Belt (Csb), Karnataka, India


Basavarajappa H.T
Department of Studies in Earth Science, Centre for Advanced Studies in Precambrian Geology, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysuru, India.

Manjunatha M.C
Department of Civil Engineering, Maharaja Institute of Technology, Thandavapura, Mysuru, India.


Manganese is one of the most widely distributed elements in the earth’s crust and mapping of these deposit are of high economic interest. Manganese occurs as diverse genetic types that is vital for iron and steel production. It occurs usually in the form of oxide, hydroxide, carbonate and silicate which is an important raw material for iron, steel industry, chief manufacturer of chemicals and dry cells in the form of manganese dioxides. Advanced analysis of hyperspectral signatures and GPS applications have opened a newest approach in exploration and systematic mapping of economic ore deposits. The present study aims to integrate the hyperspectral signatures with major elements of manganese ore deposits of Halekal band in Bhahaddurghatta-Hosahatty village of Chitradurga Schist Belt. The samples collected from field are studied in the laboratory using thin and polished sections under microscope and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) analysis. Efforts are created to assess the spectral signatures of four representative random ore samples collected and analyzed through ASD Spectro-radiometer instrument operative in Visible and InfraRed (325 to 2500 nm) region with concentration of major elements. This study clearly demonstrated and documented the spectral absorption features of the selected rock samples in the study area mainly depend on the optical and physico-chemical characters of the rock and major elemental composition as well as mineral constituents of the samples.