Identifying and Analyzing the Best Software Platforms for Innovative Teaching and Learning Process


Dr.Sunil Khilari, Dr.Sachin Kadam
Sinhgad Institute of Management, Pune, India.


Technology can be used to encourage global teaching-learning process, support to create innovative learning environment and build relationships between all stakeholders of education system. Educators need to find ways to connect students from different parts of the world so that they can learn simultaneously, exchange knowledge and develop cultural understanding and relationships. Problem based, project based, Model-making, audio-visual presentations, role-playing activities and exploring the physical world help to deliver the message of classroom lessons in a more interesting and effective manner through virtual mode. An innovative environment is one that is capable of progressing and adapting as educational practices enhance, evolve and change – thus residual forthcoming intensive. An innovative learning environment includes the physical, social, and pedagogical context in which learning occurs. An innovative environment is one that is capable of evolving and adapting as educational practices evolve and change – thus remaining future focused. Here in this paper researcher is identifying and analyzing the best software platforms for innovative teaching and learning process. A learning environment includes the physical, social, and pedagogical context in which learning occurs. An innovative environment supports strengths-based teaching and learning. It offers students and teachers flexibility, agency, ubiquity, and connectedness. Working in an innovative learning environment where teaching and learning is collaborative, reflections and inquiries are shared, and communities engaged leads to a more robust, continuously improving community of practice.