Abhishek Dhake
Sri Balaji University Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Impact of Advertisement on People With Special Reference To Confectionery Products in Pune City
Many researches are carried out on Advertisment of Confectionery products and its significant impact on children. There is less researches on adult with special reference to impact of advertisements of confectionery products on them. This paper mainly emphasises on the advertisement impact on adults as well as children. The main of the study is to analyze the impact of advertisement on peoples with special reference to confectionery product in pune city. This research will be able to conclude that whether the advertisement has an effect on people normal or stronger as well as this advertisement influenced the people positively or negatively. While doing this research average TV watching time will be collecting from the sample. Because TV commercials plays an vital role when it comes to Product Advertising. It is the one of the best platform for marketing the product or Service. With this, paper will also help to extract more information on the awareness of people about the effects of consumption of high rich sugar content products on health.