Vivek Padole
Sri Balaji University Pune, Maharashtra, India.
Increase in operational efficiency of National Highways Authority of India in terms of Increase in Road Length of Highways and Traffic Management and Movement on Highways
National Highways authority of India is the prime body responsible for construction and development of highways in India. Indian highways are important factor that are indirectly affecting the economy as maximum percent of freight and public transportation takes place by roads throughout the country and it actually gained boost in carrying more and more projects when they made transformation in PPP (Public private partnership) and Private players were directly involved in road asset management under the governance of National Highway Authority of India. So, there was various gateways through which private players could involve in road infrastructure projects and maintenance projects. These Gateways are the Financing and Operating Model proposed by NHAI. Thus, this study aims to bring out the efficient model by doing the analysis on the survey which is taken from the field professionals and their opinions. This study will bring out and analyze the opinion of the field professionals about various parameters that are indicating the operational efficiency of NHAI.And it is being found that Hybrid Annuity Model is efficient model and relationship was found with the quality of roads and it actually increased. The research also revolves around the traffic movement survey done by NHAI on the roads. That is the important factor which is considered for upgrading the roads and traffic decongestion planning by authority of highways.