Pranali Nitnaware, Mrudula Nimbarte
J. D. College of Engineering & Management, Nagpur, MH, India.
IOT Based Smart City Management Using IAS : A Survey
One of the key factors in the current IT systems in Indian administrative organizations is the lack of easy access to data by entities outside the organization, especially for machine applications. Though data is abundant, it is unless fastened up in fashionable arrangements or unavailable because of a shortage of APIs. In this report, we look at architectural constructs that will facilitate the straightforward exchange of data. Hence we take a data information-centric view of the reference architecture as opposed to an application/communication-centric view. IoT (Internet of Things) is a new technology that has emerged over the last few years and it promises a further explosion of data sources. This technology will essentially allow any “thing” to produce and communicating data. For instance, every streetlight, lamp post, garbage bin, transformer, etc.–almost anything one chooses, can be made to continuously report their status, their observations, their usage patterns, etc. Downstream business administration can use this data processes to provide timely, efficient, value-added services. In this statement, we surround ourselves privately to architectural constructs to merge these new IoT-based schemes in the Smart City foundation.