Islamic Employee Management Reformation in Shaping the Nation’s Character in Higher Education


Deni Febrini
Fakultas Tarbiyahdan Tadris, IAIN Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia.
Hamid Mukhlis
Universitas AisyahPringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia.
Rita Irviani
STMIK Pringsewu, Lampung, Indonesia.
Aa Hubur
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Yenni Patriani
IAIN Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia.


The increasing number of problems in the regional employee management raises various questions about what the government should do in increasing the professionalism of the civil servant. The various negative effects of the implementation of decentralization in government administration, including in the civil service sector, if not immediately responded, can lead to increasingly complex problems in the management of civil servant in the regions. Stagnation of official mobility, politicization and commodification of bureaucratic position, and fragmentation of official based on spatial and primordial grounds are the main challenges that must be answered by the government in realizing professional civil servant. Globalization period is the time of ‘tact’, a time wherein Muslims are needed to be moderate (wasathiyah). Muslims as conservatives’ kin must have the option to incorporate two distinct measurements; measurements ‘theocentric’ (hablun min Allah) and ‘human-centric’ (hablun min a nas). These requests are not requests of the occasions, however requests of the Qur’an that must be executed. The significance of the wasathiyah ought not be taken from the comprehension of the fanatics who will in general advance a hard mentality without bargain (ifrâth), or the comprehension of liberal gatherings who regularly decipher strict lessons in a free, even nearly leaving the line of strict truth (tafrîth). The importance of Islam as wasathiyah religion must be taken from the clarifications of the researchers, so as not to trigger ‘misconception’ and prejudiced perspectives that harm the picture of Islam itself. The correct comprehension of wasathiyah can frame a cognizant disposition in moderate Islam in the genuine importance (ummatanwasathan), to acknowledge world harmony, without brutality for the sake of gatherings, races, philosophies and even religions.