Low Tension Multi Feed Power Network Monitoring using IOT


Dr.V.Jayalakshmi, R.Sathya Priya


The Low Voltage (LV) Under Ground Cable (UGC) and Over Head Line (OHL) which is often radial in nature. There are many faults occurring in the network resulted poor network reliability. The faults on LV network mainly affects the Customers connected to that particular network. The major negative impact on customers is due to the permanent faults in equipment. Continuity of supply demanded by the Customers from the distribution network is; Hence implementation of self- healing Smart Grid technologies is the only solution to meet the customer requirement. One such technique is the identification of Location where Fault occurs, removing of faulty section and Restoration of Service i.e Fault location, isolation, and service restoration (FLISR) in low tension multi-feed network. The main objective towards implementing FLISR is to improve electricity utility's network performance, increase electricity sales, improve flexibility and reduce the impact on the economy of outages therefore improving the distribution system performance. This paper discusses various ways to implement FLISR and will also focus on a case study on real distribution networks and look at the issues associated with closing a remotely controlled or automatically operated Normally Open point for back-feeding. This paper aims to show how automated service restoration can reduce switching and restoration time from hours to minutes.