Measuring Internet Retail Service Quality Using Confirmatory Factor Analysis


Jyoti Kumari, Assistant professor
School of Management Sciences, Lucknow, India.


In the early years of online retailing, having an online presence and low prices were believed to be key drivers of success. More recently, electronic service quality has become essential as an online marketing strategy. Online stores provide higher service quality to create online customer loyalty, improve customer satisfaction and keep a lasting competitive advantage. Despite its recognized significance, there are few comprehensive empirical researches that analyze the quality of Internet retail services. Therefore, there is always a scope of conducting study on the development of e-service quality scales. This paper demonstrates the development of a new scale having new measures for measuring customer satisfaction and patronage intention in e-retailing. For the purpose, Confirmatory factor Analysis was used using AMOS 16.After analysis, the measures like website design, fulfillment, personalization, customer service and ratings & reviews are identified the crucial measures for determining the satisfaction level and patronage intentions of online customers. At the end of this paper, limitations and future scope of the study was given.