New Dining Technology Based on Virtual Reality


Reni Hena Helan R, Assistant Professor, U.G Students, Kumudavalli R, Subhasri S A, Aishwarya G
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Dhanalakshmi College Of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India.


In this paper, we enclose that the simplicity and ease of accessing a menu are the main aspects that facilitate food ordering system in a restaurant. Holographic technology can completely record and reconstruct the information of object. Therefore, the holographic display can provide important role for various fields like Medical Treatment, Industry, Entertainment and other field. Hence, we use hologram in dining system of restaurant. A Hologram menu completely revolutionizes the patron’s dining experience. Existing system provide a manual based menu card. This paper aims to provide a solution using a recommendation algorithm that recommends dishes on a tablet menu in a restaurant. In addition to this, the amount for the menu items ordered will also be displayed in the LCD and the total bill amount will be sent to the mobile numbers of the customers.