Performance Analysis of Virtual Machine in Cloud Architecture


Dr. Kiran V, Associate Professor, Students, Akshay Narayan Pai, Gautham S
Dept. of Electronics and Communication, R.V. College of Engineering, Bangalore, India -560102.


Cloud computing is a technique for storing and processing data that makes use of a network of remote servers. Cloud computing is gaining popularity due to its vast storage capacity, ease of access, and diverse variety of services. When cloud computing advanced and technologies such as virtual machines appeared, virtualization entered the scene. When customers’ computing demands for storage and servers increased, however, virtual machines were unable to match those expectations due to scalability and resource allocation limits. As a consequence, containerization became a reality. Containerization is the process of packaging software code along with all of its essential components, including frameworks, libraries, and other dependencies, such that they may be separated or separated in their own container. The program operating in containers may execute reliably in any environment or infrastructure. Containers provide OS-level virtualization, which reduces the computational load on the host machine and enables programs to run much faster and more reliably. Performance analysis is very important in comparing the throughput of both VM-based and Container-based designs. To analyze it same web application is running in both the designs. CPU usage and RAM usage in both designs were compared. Results obtained are tabulated and a Proper conclusion has been given.