Potential mechanisms underlying the therapeutic roles of Flavonoid from Sedum lineare Thunb in depression: Based on molecular docking study


Sunil Kumar, PhD. Research Scholar, A.K.S. Rawat,
Maharishi School of Pharmaceutical Science, Maharishi University of Information Technology, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India.
Peeyush Bhardwaj, Associate Professor & Head,
Institute of Pharmacy, Bundelkhand University, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, India.


Background:People all across the world suffer with depression, a chronic illness that can be fatal. The medications used to treat this illness have a number of negative effects and may interact with other drugs or foods. Furthermore, only thirty percent of patients take their current meds as prescribed, and the remaining patients do not fully heal. Finding a medication that is reasonably effective, inexpensive, and has few adverse effects appears to be required.Sedum lineare "Sedi linearis Herba" is the name given to the Thunb. plant as a medicinal substance. It was frequently employed as a treatment for a variety of illnesses, including hepatitis, dysentery, dermatitis rhus, burns, scalds, traumatic bleeding, and a host of other ailments. It has been demonstrated that this plant have the ability to alter thyroid hormone in addition to having antibacterial, anticancer, nephroprotective, analgesic, anti- inflammatory, and anti-diarrheal properties.