Reduction in Carbon Dioxide Emission by Adopting Variable Frequency Drives in Steel Mills


Prashant Lakhe, Research Scholar, M. Tech.
Environmental Science and Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, India.

Dr. Sindhu J. Nair, Professor, M. Tech. Coordinator,
Department of Civil Engineering, Bhilai Institute of Technology, Durg, India.


This Project is an attempt in using modern technology for conservation of electrical energy and subsequently reducing the emission of green house gases from thermal power plants. In India the average rate of Carbon Dioxide emission is 0.93 KG per KWH of electrical energy. Thus any reduction in electrical energy will have significant impact on emission of green house gases. In this project the capability of Variable Frequency Drivesis explored in reduction of power requirement of various equipment in a conventional steel mill. The conventional direct on line starters for AC motor control were replaced by Variable Frequency Drivesand comparison study was done to measure the benefits of Variable Frequency Drives. This project focuses on efficient way of operating motor driven equipment in steel mill primarily by using Variable Frequency Drive. The comparative values of conventional control and VFD control were analyzed and discussed.