Sentiments Analysis of The Medical or Pharmacy Shops Business To Develop in Terms of Communication, Productivity & Efficiency in Their Retails Business


Mr. Ramesh D Jadhav, Research Scholar
AIMS, Pune-01, India.
Dr. Manik S Kadam, Research Guide
AIMS, Pune-01, India.


Blog Survey data collected from the internet sources over the World Wide Web, blogs refer to record individual’s opinions, feelings, stories, and different works. The researcher has selected 222 blogs to study different views and opinions of experts, researcher, and pharmacy retailers, patients, customers, doctors, and pharmaceutical company, Food & drugs administration (FDA) regarding the on pharmacy shop business performance concerning communication, productivity and efficiency blogs discussed personal feeling, thoughts, opinion and different works like the photo, videos. To analyze blogs survey text- mining tool is used. Text mining is a logical field which derived high-quality information from text. Text mining is widely used in the industries when data is unstructured. Derived information can provide in the form of numbers (indices) categories or clusters, summary of the text. In this blog will focus on the application of text mining workflow and examples.