Dr.S.Sowkanth, MD(HOM)
Sri Sairam homoeopathy medical college&research Centre, Chennai, India.
Dr.P.Radha, MD(HOM)
Dr.M.L.Dhawale memorial institute, Palghar, Mumbai, India.
Study Of Prevalence and Nature of Psychological Disturbances in Adolescents Attending Junior College in The Semi-Rural Area
A cross sectional survey was conducted initially followed by a prospective cohort study was
undertaken to explore the prevalence and nature of psychological disturbance in the adolescents
attending junior college in the semi-rural area of Palghar-Boisar. Also, the study includes the
understanding of homoeopathic correspondence for the psychological disturbances prevalent.
Random selection of three colleges was considered for the study including both science and
commerce stream of both sexes. A survey was conducted with the orientation of the students and
teachers in individual college for their approval in the study. Sample selection was done on the basis
of positive scoring in GHQ 28 questionnaire. According to Goldberg ‘s method, individual scoring 4
and above are considered positive for the study.
Total students oriented and attempted questionnaire were 509 students. Of which 250 were
positive with scorings 4 and above. Considering the huge sample size, a cut-off point was admitted as
9 and above for exploring the nature of psychological disturbance. The total numbers of students
scoring 9 and above were 90 students of the total 250 students. These 90 students were considered
highly positive for the study and considered as a sample for undertaking the study. Of which 81
students were screened to explore the pattern of illness. Remaining students showed disapproval for
the study.
Various nature of psychological disturbances were explored with the help of the screening
tool consisting a list of symptomatology representing various disorders from DSM-IV-TR. The
prevalence of various combinations of psychological disturbances was elicited amongst the students.
Difference between the students attending science stream and commerce stream was studied
individually. Also, the difference between the gender predominance in the affection of psychological
disturbances was studied.
A cohort of 43 students was identified with prominent Anxiety state related to exam from the
screened 81 students. Homoeopathic intervention was done as per the indication. The predominant
remedies which were indicated for the Anxiety state were Aethusa, Kali Phosphoricum, Gelsemium,
Lycopodium and Silicea. Prospective study was undertaken to study the remedy response with the
specific follow up criteria. Difference in the remedy response before and after taking the
homoeopathic medicines was studied.
Homoeopathic correspondence was studied for the remaining 38 students individually. From
the 81 students, 10 students volunteered for detail exploration. The pattern and nature of
psychological disturbances were studied in detail in them. Homoeopathic correspondence for the
nature of psychological disturbances in these cases was Silicea, Natrum Mur, Carcinosin, Natrum
Sulphur, Lachesis, Pulsatilla, Arsenic Alb and Tuberculinum.
Comprehensive understanding of all the cases was done with the help of diagnostic net tool
from Standardized Case Record. Personality understanding was done with help of Eysenck ‘s
Dimensions of personality with various personality factors. These dimensions were co-related with
Homoeopathic concept of temperament. Thus, homoeopathic correspondence was studied with
different dimensions of personality and temperament.