Study on the Effect of Cephalosporin – Quinolone Composite Drug Coatings on Urinary Catheters to Prevent Catheter Associated Biofilms


Soumya R, Research scholar, Rajeswari K, Assistant Professor, Princy P.K, Research scholar, 
Department of Microbiology, Rathnavel subramaniam college of Arts and Science, Sulur, Coimbatore-641402, Tamil Nadu, India.


The present research work was designed with the objective of developing antibacterial urinary catheter coatings using cephalosporin+quinolone drug composites to prevent catheter associated biofilms. In this present study the surface colonizing ability of test bacteria on the urinary catheter sample materials was investigated using exit-site challenge test. Synergistic activity of Cefixime + Ciprofloxacin was determined against all the test organisms. Cefixime and Ciprofloxacin coated Urinary catheter (UC CC ) sample materials were further subjected to antibacterial activity. High biofilm producing, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis exhibited 18.3±1.80mm and 19.3±1.04mm of inhibitory zones respectively. Persistence Test results emphasized that carriers had played a major role in retaining the drugs on the catheter materials till 4 th Day for UC CC coated samples. Topographical analysis of UC CC coated samples revealed the presence of crystallized drug particles on the catheter surface; exhibiting adherence to the greatest possible extent. Topographic analysis of UC MM coated catheters showed homogenous coating of crystallized drug particles with parallelogram shapes; thus preventing biofilm formation of bacteria on the catheter surface. FTIR spectrum of coated silicone catheter proved that the significant functional groups were not altered. The antibacterial activity, FESEM, FTIR characterizations and biocompatibility test results revealed that UC CC coated catheters are biocompatible and could be used for urinary catheterized patients.