Study The Effect of Adding Proteins to Cellulose and Lipids on Biogas Production


Fareed A.Radhi, Fawziea M. Hussien, Johain J. Faraj
Middle Technical University Engineering, Technical College-Baghdad, Baghdad, Iraq.


This research aims to know the strength of the effect of adding proteins represented by meat residues to the vegetable wastes (VW) mixture on the one hand, and the lipids waste (LW) mixture on the other hand, on the production of biogas, knowing that cow dung is an essential component in each of the above mixtures. Two digesters (bioreactors) were used, the first contains meat waste, vegetable waste, and cow dung, and the second contains meat waste, lipids waste, and cow dung. The main factors were measured: the concentrations of methane, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, ammonia, and pH. In addition, the daily biogas production rate and the cumulative volume of biogas were calculated for both bioreactors. The highest methane production for digester No.1 was 95 (g/kg.VS), while the highest methane production for methane of digester No.2 was 139 (g/kg.VS). The daily biogas production for digester No.1 was 4.4 (L/day) while for digester No.2 was 5.6 (L/day), in addition to cumulative biogas for digesters No.1 and No.2 were 282.45 (L) & 353.82 (L). The anaerobic digestion occurred at the ambient temperature range (19 to 30 of), and the hydraulic retention time was 64 days.