Wondimagegn Tadesse Borku, Lecturer
Department of Construction technology and management, WolaitaSodo University, Ethiopia.
EsubalewTarku Yenialem, Lecturer
Department of Civil Engineering, Wolaita Sodo University,Ethiopia.
The Cause Of Construction Material Wastage In Building Construction Projects: A Study In Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia
Construction materials waste causes serious environmental problems and project cost overruns in many construction projects. Building material waste can be defined as the difference between the value of materials delivered and accepted on site and those properly used as specified and accurately measured in the work, after deducting the cost saving of substituted materials transferred. The methods that used for this thesis were by collecting the data require for this study through preparing questionnaires. Based on the results from the analysis the following conclusions have been derived and summarized in accordance with the objectives of the research. Based on finding researchers determined different factors. Key factors were Lack storage of materials near of construction site, Wrong storage of materials, Poorly schedule to procurement the Materials, Purchased materials that don’t comply with specification, Insufficient instructions about storage and Stacking, Over ordering due to mistake in quantity surveys, Overproduction/Production of a quantity, greater than required or earlier than necessary, Inadequate stacking and insufficient storage on site, Damage materials on site, Using excessive quantities of materials more than the
required, Wrong handling of materials, Insufficient instructions about handling, Damage during transportation, Manufacturing defects, Ordering of materials that do not fulfill project requirements and Unnecessary inventories in site which lead to waste