The Hadiths about the(Muslim youth) Imitating non-Muslim Youth and How this Imitation Violates the Principles of the Islamic Religion Collection and Study


Dr. Thamer Abdullah Dawood Salman Al-Shuaibi, Professor
Department of Hadith Sciences College of Islamic Sciences University of Anbar, Iraq.


Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and blessings and peace be upon the Master of theMessengers, our Master Muhammad, and upon all his family and companions. The title, “the hadiths about the (Muslim youth) imitating non-Muslim youth and how this imitation violates the principles”, is considered one of the important and contemporary topics of our time. In my research, I dealt with the hadith that was mentioned regarding the imitation of Muslim youth to others and their violations of the principles of the Islamic religion. The research falls into an introduction and two sections. The first sectiondeals with the meaning of imitation and the difference between imitation and belief. The second section deals with the hadiths about the (Muslim youth) imitating non-Muslim youth and how this imitation violates the principles of Islam. The conclusion sums up the finding of the research.