The impact of HRM practices and job satisfaction on career success: A conceptual model


Bayan Mousa Ali Alzubi
National Electric Power company, Amman, Jordan.


This study aims to provide a conceptual model for impact of HRM practices and job satisfaction on career success. HRM practices are the main engine of job satisfaction and career success, through suitable selection systems, sufficient training and development programs, fair and quick career development systems, fair performance management systems, high reward and benefits, and a high level of motivation in the job satisfaction, which contributes to enhancing and improving career success. Social exchange theory supported these relationships, where the career success is impacted by HRM practices and job satisfaction. Future studies should be examining the proposed framework by using advanced statistical methods in order to examine the previous hypotheses and provide the results to help decision-makers in organizations, as well as examine that other HRM practices such as employee empowerment, teamwork, employment security, information sharing, and job description, and their impact on job satisfaction and career success