The Post-feminist Flâneuse: A Study of Cosmopolitan Culture and Consumerism in Postmodern Fiction


Akanksha Badyal, Research Scholar
School of Languages and Literature,  Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University,  Katra, J&K, India.


Chick lit, a descriptive marker of women’s writings, is a disguised transition due to the rise in serial cohabitation, increase in singleton lifestyle, the inclination towards starter marriage and decrease in the rates of remarriage. Within the corpus of postmodern fiction, chick lit re-feminizes the women’s culture, embarking upon new subjectivities of pink- packaged femininity. As a grotesque deflation of structuralist binaries, the genre invokes high culture through its lexical register. The present study tropes to establish chick lit in a different way, as a sociological documentary of daughters track, it is a lens to consumer culture and as a counter paradigm to feminism. Being a rejoinder of cultural confidence and feminist awareness, Chick Lit hinges upon self and one’s own stratagems at the apex of hierarchy and also traces the paradigmatic heroine as an emblem of conventional feminine impressions.