The Textual Standards in the poetry of Hamid Al-Rawi – The intentionality as a Model


Dr. Jasim Mohammed Abbass,  Assistant Professor
University of Anbar- College of Arts- Department of Arabic Language, Iraq.


The critical studies of different branches try functioning everything new in the modern lingual lesson, that changed the stream of the intention from the linguistics of the sentence to the linguistics of the text, since the linguistics of the text contained all that could fall in the circle of the criticism of various factors whether are internal concern a language of a text and what related to it, or external with all that surround the text of psychological,. Social and cultural factors left their impact on it. Undoubtedly the science of the text language as determined by (Van Dijk) who considers the founder of this science when he published his book ( The Science of the Text is an Introduction of the Interdisciplinary) since he emphasized that it must take in consideration all that surrounding the discourse to give it an area that capable of knowing of all it can rise above it . The theories that interested in the text and discourse have succeeded, and this discourse is an epicenter that the sequences of the text are gathered around it, because it being the idea of the poet that he wants to reach it to the recipient, and the poet tries to vary in his poetic discourse depending on the nature of the poetic experiment, and this functioning embodying it through a certain symmetry shows his special experiment who confers on it much from his life according to the symbolic levels determine the quality of the discourse inside the text.