Willa Cather’s Vision of War in One of Ours


Muhammad Dera Farhan
University of Anbar, Iraq.


This study sheds the light on the vision of war in Willa Cather’s novel One of Ours. Cather like other American writers has experienced the sense of loss like her fellow country people after during and after the World War- I. She came up with One of Ours to articulate her sense of disillusionment. She has experience the tragic suffering of war not by sharing in the fight but via her friends and people around her whom she used to listen to their violent stories in the combat fields. She has sought to highlight the dilemma of her generation. Cather was criticized for her war sections in One of Ours and blamed for idealizing war. Her lack of the first-hand experience was cited as her drawback. Cather has endeavored to project the plight of an individual in a postwar world of greed and misery. However, Cather is unanimous in conveying her vision that war leads to death and despair, her account of the war is, according to critics, hazy yet it is vivid that she condemns it. Cather believes that any hope for peace is an illusion and the only reality is the unrelieved pessimism and disillusionment. Eventually, she is completely and deeply chagrined by the World War- I. Her novel portrays the futility and frustration of her generation who was in touch directly or indirectly with the war.